House-Hunting. When you are planning to buy a car, you do a lot of research starting from finding out about its make, model, how much horsepower it has, durability, repair costs etc. You leave no stone unturned because getting stuck with a car that eats too much fuel and gives less mileage will be too heavy on your pocket.
So why not invest the same amount of time and energy, and pay that much attention to the details when buying a house? This is a bigger investment, which can lead to foreclosure if you choose the wrong house and are not able to make the down payments later down the line.
There’s much at stake as you already learned from “Part 1” of this blog. Let’s have a look at five more hunting mistakes you need to avoid:
Mistake #6
Seeking Advice From Uneducated Advisors
Just because your friend said that a certain neighborhood is not good or asked you not to hire an Orlando realtor they had a bad experience with, don’t take their word seriously. These are biased opinions, which is why you should do your own research.
Mistake #7
Getting Distracted by Unique House Features
The house you are touring has an honest to God Rapunzel tower. It’s a feature you weren’t looking for but now that you have seen it, you have fallen in love with the house. This sparkly feature might be hiding dozens of repairs. So, make sure to get a thorough house inspection before buying the house.
Mistake #8
Being Too Picky
Just because the Orlando real estate you are touring doesn’t have a big backyard, doesn’t mean that you should discard it. If the price is right and the house has all the other features you were looking for, then compromise and settle on the house.
Mistake #9
Getting Blinded by the Home Staging
Home staging is done to impress a buyer. It’s purely cosmetic touches, which you shouldn’t get impressed with. Look beneath the surface and check out the structure of the house and the layout of the rooms. It’s possible that you might not like what you see.
Mistake #10
Speaking About the House in Front of the Seller
Not only is this rude but it also might hurt your chances of buying the house. A seller is going to do their best to find out how you feel about the house. This is why, you need to think before you speak because if you show too much enthusiasm, the seller might hike the price.
With these mistakes in mind, finding the perfect home will not be that difficult. Rest assured, the decision you make now will be the right one because you have carefully crossed the T’s and dotted the I’s.
If you are a first-time homebuyer and are looking for a professional Windermere Florida realtor, then visit Megan Dowdy Realty. They offer home buying, selling, relocation, and real estate investment services. For further information, call on 407-509-9279.