Single-Story vs Double-Story House. When buying your first home, you are often faced with the dilemma of whether you should go for a single-story or double-story house. One of the most glaring factors that might influence this decision is money. If you are low on budget then obviously a single-story house it is. However, if budget is not a concern, then should you go for a double-story house?
To help you make a sound decision before buying Orlando real estate, the following are the advantages and disadvantages of a single-story and double-story house, as well as the factors that influence your decision:
Advantages and Disadvantages of Single-Story House
Accessibility: If you have a senior living with you, then the open floor plan of a single-story house will work well in your favor. You won’t have to install a ramp or safety bars for them to enter the house and move around in it.
Natural Light: A single-story house is better positioned due to its flexible design, which means more natural light.
Time: If you are planning to build your own house, then a single-story house’s constructions will take less time.
However, limited space is one of the biggest reasons why people go to a double-story house.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Double-Story House
Plenty of Space: With the bedrooms shifted upwards, you have plenty of space for a backyard deck, front yard porch, and a garden. All these features increase the value of the house.
Privacy: If you have a big family, a double-story house offers every house member individual space for privacy.
Views: The view from the balcony of your double-story house makes for some pretty great Sunday mornings.
However, the cost of living in a double-story house is pretty high due to the temperature regulations, which increase heating and cooling expenses.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Between a Single-Story vs Double-Story House
Your Future Plan
More than 50% of your decision should weigh on this factor. If you are planning to get married and start a family, then you need to think about the future. Kids need space and a single-story house won’t offer that.
Value for Money
Here’s something that you might not have thought about – a small block of land will offer you more value for money if you build a double-story house on it. Not only are you utilizing the space fully but also getting a bigger house at a cheaper price.
Gaining access to the second story of your house is a challenge for burglars. You can take safety measures to protect your house and yourself upstairs if a burglar does break into your house.
Now that you are away from the street and the prying eyes of neighbors, you can get your privacy on the second story of your house. Less noise is a bonus.
So, what’s the verdict? As you read, if money is not an issue, then the obvious choice is a second-story house.
If you are looking for affordable double-story house listings, then visit the website Megan Dowdy Realty. Consult their professional Lake Mary realtor to find out what type of Orlando real estate you would qualify for. For further information, call on 407-509-9279.